Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hahahaha~ OMG, Lady! You got your heel got stuck on the sidewalk!

After a very long time, I allowed myself a little trip to the City.
The thought of going out kept me excited and hopelessly happy all through my office hours.
What made me have the butterflies in my stomach was this sense of having something to do that is completely different from what you've been doing for so long. Finally, you have something to dream about and anticipate for with your heart full of HOPE.

Even the traffic on the Key Bridge couldn't stop me from being a dreamer.
I was smiling all the way to DC.
After finding a perfect spot right next to the Pizzeria Paradiso which was the final destination of the day, I began my journey into the street. M street was full of people; the office workers, the tourists, the homelesses, the shoppers and all the other people just like me.

I was in my little black silk mini skirt, a black ruffle front shirt and my favorite high heels.
Enjoying the noise of cars and the smell of summer evening, I headed to a little shop on Wisconsin Ave. I was a completely happy person. I was jolly, full of hope and ready to have a wonderful evening. happened.

Ah! Just like that, my heel got stuck on the sidewalk.
At this moment, you can find yourself wearing only one shoe and standing one step ahead of the other shoe left stuck on the sidewalk. It could be a crack between the blocks, a mysteriously inappropriate hole on the street or one of those stupid grids that always makes you scared when walk on it. Yeah...girls will know what I am talking about.

Anyway, since I was sooooo happy and my spirit was up in the air, that little incident was nothing. And, Come on~! This is not my first time~?!
So I gently bent my knee and leaned toward my shoe and pulled it out.
Just like nothing happened, I kept walking. Of course, I was still smiling.

Exactly for 4 times, my heel got kept on getting stuck on the sidewalk on my way to the shop.
It was only a 3-minute-walking.
Without even knowing it, I was yelling at...(I am not sure but probably) my shoe. "Oh my G. what the ..... don't do this to me!!!!!"

People were watching me. Some guys stopped what they were doing and just stared at me as if they saw something really entertaining. And the girls...ah...the look on their faces.... haha...
"I pity you, sister!"

What should I do now? I can stand there for a while and keep on complaining why this nonsense is happening to me and get into a really bad mood for the last of the night. Or, I can just get my cool back and wear the stupid yet pretty shoe back and go on with my way to my hopeful and happy evening. Maybe I can even show some bright smile to those who were watching me. That will probably make them happy and make me a humorous young lady.

My life is just like this. One day, I have all these dreams and plans, so I feel excited and cannot wait to see the future version of me.
O.K., perfect! I got it all planed. Just one step at a time, I will keep go on. I know I'll get there~ Blah, Blah, Blah.....Blah...
Then, all the sudden, something stops you and everything seems to fall down.
Why, why, why...! you cry out, but is that really important? The only thing I can do at the moment is to keep go on with whatever is left to me.
Unless you want to completely stop, you have to go on. Right?
It's not always easy to remember this simple fact, I know. We are human beings. We tend to focus on present and hang on to the past.
But seriously, what is it good for anyway?
Just like one of those your 'stupid-heel-accident days', keep on walking, girl~!
It's not your shoes or those who watched and laughed at you that will take you to the destination. After all, it's just yourself.
So, do not stop moving and go on. Forward and forward.

I finished my shopping and even had a wonderful Sangria over a nice warm Pizza Margarita.
On my way home, my hair was blowing in the wind and 'Jovanotti' was singing 'Come Musica' to my years.
Haha. Yap! He was indeed.
Well...Too bad I cannot understand what you are saying sweetheart...but you know I am trying~

P.s. I will probably yell and cry like crazy when the heel of my life gets stuck somewhere again.
I wish I will just finish all those yelling, bursting into tears and going nuts processes ASAP and start to walk like a beautiful and confident lady again.


marco said...

haha! hilarious!!! :D
I'm glad you reached your destination and enjoyed your evening anyway...

and I'm glad you like Jovanotti so much ;) if you need any help to understand what he sings, feel free to ask!

LEXI said...

Thanks Marco!
haha. Can you even imagine how happy I was to have that pizza after all that?

And sure I will ask for your help~
you are a pretty good teacher~! ;))

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